Thursday, May 6, 2010

This little Piggy....likes to be rubbed!

When Josie had to wear her braces/boots 23 hours a day, I would count down the time until I was able to hold, rub, and kiss those little feet. I had one hour and I made sure that I used ever minute of it. She would get a bath and then I would hold her, rub and kiss those piggies.. Well, Josie only has to wear her braces/boots at nap time and at bed time now...but she still loves to have her feet rubbed. She will hold her feet in the air so they can be rubbed. It is the sweetest thing in the world. Is that not the cutest foot you've EVER seen...ahh..beautiful!
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1 comment:

joanna said...

oh my, that is so sweet.

and let me back up a couple posts and say a very happy birthday to Kelsey. I love your birthday posts about them-they're beautiful.